Scene from Pope’s Camp at Great Run, 1863
A modern scene for a painting of King searching for Mosby through the woods on Spade in 1863
Behind the scenes in House Key
A modern scene for a painting of King searching for Mosby through the woods on Spade in 1863
June is one of my favorite months of the year. There is always so much to look forward to, such as the annual Upperville Colt & Horse Show. I’m excited about attending this week, not only to see the hunter and jumper … Continued
Earlier this month I had the privilege of attending a lecture at the Art League, An Evening with John Singer Sargent, given by Richard Ormond, former Deputy Director of London’s National Portrait Gallery and author of multiple catalogue raisonnés. Not only distinguished as the … Continued
An afternoon trip to the Morven Park Museum of Hounds and Hunting in historic Leesburg, Virginia stepped us through the region’s rich history in fox hunting and beyond. The experience reminded me of many scenes and parallel events in House … Continued